The point is to lighten the mood at a time when COVID-19 has disrupted our daily routines and will reshape our interactions and lifestyles in the days and months ahead. Probably forever. But, hey, if eliminating strange bro-hugs is the worst byproduct, we can all live with that.
On a personal level, I'm thankful as hell that my family has stayed healthy throughout this episode and I hope this post finds you well.
On a professional level, there's been no change to my 50+ hour workweeks other than they're now entirely from home.
The coronavirus crisis hasn't tested my sanity too much, probably because it satisfies my introverted side, home life has been good, and more time with my aging teens will quickly dry up as they prepare for college and life beyond.
And whereas other sports are on hiatus, the horse racing industry has shockingly been functional in several jurisdictions and the only live sport going for about the past month. So I've been able to play the occasional small-dollar after-work games hosted by online-contest sites and dipped my toe into an NHC qualifier on Saturday.
The end result was a 21st-place finish vs. 220 contestants and $165 refund, where in the current global health scare I'll highlight the bright side instead of the negative and provide this bit of tournament-specific advice: don't let early race "bad beats" or wrong sides of the coin-flip derail the rest of your contest.
Saturday's 12-race contest got off to an awful start, as at the last second I switched off the winner in the opener (Highland Glory, Gulfstream Park race 7) and pissed away $15.60 of win-place points in favor of the "hot jockey" who, of course, put my horse in awful position and ran last of 11.
Two races later I was torn between two horses and picked the wrong one, losing out on an 11-1 winner with a better jockey than the low-percentage guy who rode my selection into traffic and fifth-place in race 7 at Tampa. Ultimately, the $36.20 of winnings from Native Hawk would have been good enough to help me finish second and qualify for NHC 2021, but that's spilled milk.
After cursing at myself for the next 5-10 minutes I regained perspective:
- Only three races into the contest, I wasn't dead in the water
- I did have (Vekomo in the Sir Shackleton) in the sandwich race to build upon
- Deep fields on Florida Derby Day at Gulfstream provided opportunities for playable long-shots later in the contest card
- The grim realities of a global contagion make fretting over a loss in a fantasy contest a complete lack of perspective, so stay grounded
From there I could have played the 10th contest race a bit smarter, picking up $4.80 of place money on the preferred La Waun at Golden Gate instead of Bullet Drill. But that and taking heavily favored Tiz the Law -- a shoe-in winner of the Florida Derby -- would, in hindsight, have moved me up maybe 5-6 places in the final standings, not good enough for the NHC.
The differences for me were passing on Native Hawk earlier on, and then Ballagh Rocks getting caught in traffic in the 11th contest race and finishing off the board. I was the highest player on the leaderboard to have that horse, so success there would have been fruitful.
Yet I can live with the outcomes:
- Top 10% finish (though I don't give a hoot about NHC Tour points; a scam to encourage high-volume tournament play and that doesn't gauge handicapping-contest efficiency)
- Stuck to principals of prior blog posts:
- patience
- no overthinking
- keep to more-logical long-shots and don't reach too often
- Appreciate the equine athletes, their jockeys and trainers and a seemingly safe day on the track
- A relaxing, enjoyable and frivolous way to spend a rainy and cool afternoon on a great hobby.